About Matt

Dr Matt Sexton is the Director of the Mathematics Teaching and Learning Centre (MTLC) and he is also a Lecturer in mathematics education at Australian Catholic University (Melbourne Campus).

Matt’s PhD research focused on the leadership of mathematics education in primary school settings. This study focused on exploring the motivations of School Mathematics Leaders/Numeracy Coordinators who support classroom teachers through school-based professional learning. Matt was also interested in finding out more about what influences and mediates the leadership work of those leaders in primary schools.

Matt is also interested in concept cartoons and their use as a tool in mathematics teaching and learning to support classroom conversations. He is also interested in ways of developing student and teacher dispositions towards and about mathematics.

Matt has participated in the following projects where he has worked with mathematics leaders:

  • Contemporary Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (CTLM) project (2008-2012) with ACU mathematics educators and CEOM staff; a research and teacher professional learning project involving 70 Catholic primary schools in Victoria
  • University Partnerships for Teaching and Learning Mathematics (UPTLM) project (2010-2012) with Andrea McDonough; a school-university partnership project where final year pre-service teachers co-taught demonstration lessons with ACU mathematics educators as a means of capacity building in primary school settings
  • Teacher As Learner (TALR) project with Jill Brown (ACU); a school-based project where teachers take an active lead in their own professional learning.

As a mathematics educator, Matt draws on his knowledge and experiences as a primary school teacher, numeracy coordinator, mathematics school advisor, and academic when he lectures in core mathematics education units that form part of the Master of Education (Mathematics Leadership), Master of Teaching (Primary), Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood/Primary) courses.

Matt is a member of the:

  • Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA)
  • Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV)
  • Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT)