Author Archives: leadmemaths

What’s in a (blog) name?

I was recently questioned about the name of my blog and the reason why I chose ‘LEaDME’ as the title for my online space about mathematics leadership activity in primary schools. That query came from the images that arose from the phrase, “Lead me”, and how interpretations of that could lead (pardon the pun!) to ones of teachers hopelessly imploring for mathematics leadership in schools.

After that discussion, I pondered points that were made, and saw it has an opportunity to share my thoughts about the name of the blog and why I chose it. That discussion has prompted this post for not only myself to clarify my own understanding of the dynamism of mathematics leadership, but to also provoke thinking about your mathematics leadership.

I recognise, on the first read of the name ‘LEaDME’, that this could be interpreted as a teacher pleading “lead me” to the mathematics leader. I can see how this might conjure imagery of the teacher as an obedient teacher follower, not knowing what to do when it comes to teaching mathematics, crying out to the mathematics leader for help. Although I can perceive how this could be interpreted in this way, that imagery and its associated connotations are ones that are far removed from my understanding of mathematics leadership in primary schools.

More than meets the eye

Firstly, the name of my blog is an acronym for Leading Education and Development in Mathematics Education. I knew that I wanted a name that captured succinctly the themes of my posts. Generally, my posts are stories and advice, from my own research, written for mathematics leaders who are leading the education of school stakeholders (teachers, students, and families) and whose leadership work is focused on the development of dispositions, practices, and knowledge for mathematics teaching and learning. On one simple level, the blog name serves this purpose.

There is however much more to this, and those questions about the name of my blog name made me recall the line from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (Act 2 Scene 2), “What’s in a name?”

What do I mean by LEaDME (“Lead me”)?

“What’s in a name?” has generally come to be used as a phrase that recognises that the name of a thing does not matter as much as the qualities of the thing. I trust you can see how that Shakespearean prose relates to this post.

I now share the qualities of the phrase “Lead me” as they relate to my understanding of mathematics leadership in primary schools. By doing so, I offer you the opportunity to determine how these responses reflect aspects of your mathematics leadership activity in relation to your beliefs, thoughts, and actions about your work as a leader of mathematics in your school.

Here are several responses to the “What’s in a name?” question and how I interpret the place of “Lead me” in mathematics leadership activity.

  1. “Lead me” as volitional action: If a teacher has tried all that they can to solve the dilemmas of their mathematics teaching and then seek leadership support, to me this is clearly an act of willingness by the teacher to develop their teaching practice. This provides the capacity for the teacher to take action with the mathematics leader to resolve that dilemma. “Lead me” starts the process of envisaging future possibilities for practice by goal setting and enacting ways of achieving those goals. With focused work together, visions for practice can become realities of mathematics teaching for teachers and mathematics learning for students. This new positioning of “Lead me” is a far cry from the ‘obedient follower and leader’ narrative described above as it is one that positions the phrase in an agentic way for both the teacher and the mathematics leader.
  2. “Lead me” as an invitation: For those who have followed my work, the vitality of relationship is key to mathematics leadership in primary schools. Acknowledging teacher dispositions and seeking to influence teacher emotions first then opens up opportunities for mathematics leaders to develop teacher practice and teacher knowledge. By positioning the phrase in the way I have shared thus far, “Lead me” offers invitations for teachers and the mathematics leader to initiate collaborative practice development together. This view of “Lead me” is one way of fostering relationship with teachers as they are invited to engage in collaborative practice development through professional learning activity.
  3. “Lead me” as initiation of collaborative practice development: When teachers ask for leadership support or are invited to do so, opportunities for collaboration between teachers and the mathematics leader are surfaced. For this to work well, it is vital that the mathematics leader knows what the teacher wishes to work on and why. Mathematics leaders need to know the teachers’ objectives for practice development, and look for cohesion between those teacher objectives and their own leadership objectives. Having shared objectives for practice development can expand the learning for teachers and the mathematics leader alike. Relationships can be maintained and thoughts of “PD being done to us” can be minimised when the ‘what and the why’ of practice development is shared between the teachers and the mathematics leader.
  4. “Lead me” as a two-way leadership action: I have had the privilege of learning from and with mathematics leaders who have perceived “Lead me” in more than one-dimensional ways. “Lead me” can be positioned as a two-way leadership action that allows the mathematics leader to work on the ‘what’s next?’ of teacher professional learning and the “then what?” of the mathematics leader’s leadership. Seeing “Lead me” in this way provides opportunities to engage in responsive mathematics leadership, where leadership activity is seen as two-way relationship as they seek advice and input from their teachers about ways to best meet their professional learning needs. This deeper understanding of “Lead me” is enacted when the mathematics leader understands that when they lead, they too are led by their teachers. For mathematics leaders, there is potential to grow their work by re-viewing “Lead me”, using teacher feedback and advice (teacher voice), as a way of transforming the phrase to “Lead me in leading you.”

By elaborating on the phrase “Lead me”, I hope that I have extended the imagery of that phrase beyond that of the teacher begging to be led by the mathematics leader. I hope now that the image that comes to mind is one that sees both teachers and mathematics leaders engaging in dynamic collaborative practice development where “Lead me” is positioned as a willing invitation to initiate that developmental work together.

I trust that the phrase “Lead me” is one that is used by teachers and mathematics leaders alike, where the phrase is enacted as a two-way leadership action. Finally, I hope that I have been able to convince you that the phrase “Lead me” is one steeped in both teacher and mathematics leader agency, where both engage in activity that supports understanding themselves more and influencing each other’s dispositions, practices, and knowledge so that teachers and mathematics leaders can act as mathematics education change agents together: all done for the success of their students and the mathematics education in their schools.

Of course, this is my positioning of the phrase “Lead me” at this point in time. As always, my thinking shifts as I work more with mathematics leaders and study mathematics leadership activity more. I look forward to the day when this post is updated drawing on my new understandings of mathematics leadership in primary schools.

Leading professional learning about dialogue in mathematics lessons: A focus on Talk Moves


In some of my recent work with primary school mathematics leaders in New South Wales, we have focused on ways of supporting teachers to engage their students in mathematical dialogue during mathematics lessons. We have focused on this considering that we know that effective teachers of mathematics know how to facilitate discussions in mathematics lessons. We also know that effective teachers can use that dialogue as a time for the students and the teacher to co-construct meanings about mathematics through that classroom talk.

My work with those mathematics leaders has been influenced by that of the NCTM, in particular, their work concerning the Principles to Action (2014). The NCTM endorsed eight practices that highlight ways of teaching mathematics effectively. Of those eight practices, one of them highlights a teacher practice concerned with the facilitation meaningful mathematical discourse. This is elaborated further with mention of the teachers’ use of knowledge and strategies that promote the building of shared understanding by and for the students. The focus of that discourse is on the analysis, comparison and contrast of student approaches, strategies, ways of thinking, and the arguments that take place through classroom dialogue.

As a way of enacting practices associated with mathematics dialogue in maths lessons, the mathematics leaders and I have explored the use of Talk Moves (e.g., Chapin, O’Connor, & Anderson, 2009). Since their introduction, the Talk Moves have been revised and interpreted in multiple ways. For example, the NSW Education Department has created some helpful resources on the Talk Moves based on the work of Chapin et al. (2009) which can be accessed via this URL (NSW Government numeracy resources: Talk moves). The Talk Moves, in whatever form they take, have provided the mathematics leaders with tools to support their leadership of school-based professional learning. This professional learning has focused on ways to develop teachers’ ability to highlight dialogue in their mathematics teaching by using the Talk Moves.

The Talk Moves on which we agreed to focus teachers’ professional learning on included: revoicing, restating, agree/disagree, reasoning, adding on, and wait time. After a coaching discussion with one mathematics leader, a dialogue move concerned with clarifying was also added. Working with some of the mathematics leaders in their schools, a general approach to leading teacher professional learning about the Talk Moves was developed.

Here are some of the leadership actions that were enacted by the mathematics leaders:

  • Auditing questioning practices and the types of dialogue already used by classroom teachers, using the Talk Move types to categorise the question and dialogue types
  • Reflecting on what aspects of dialogue practice is a strength of teachers’ activity in classrooms, and which Talk Moves had the potential to be focused on and developed
  • Engaging teachers in professional reading opportunities about the importance of dialogue and how questioning can support the facilitation of discussions in mathematics lessons. Some of the mathematics leaders shared the section on mathematical discourse by the NCTM (2014)
  • Posting Talk Move questions on anchor charts in the staffroom and teacher planning rooms where professional learning takes place and inviting teachers to add new questions that they find useful in developing each of the Talk Moves
  • Creating Mathematics Learning Walls (e.g., Stewart & Makin, 2017) where questions were posted as a means of prompting teachers to use the Talk Move questions and statement; further anchor charts were used on those learning walls as a way of making dialogue more visible to students
  • Setting goals with teachers to develop one or more of the Talk Moves, including planning evidence of goal achievement and strategies to make the goal a part of teacher practice
  • Co-teaching in classrooms so that teachers could see the mathematics leader model the use of Talk Moves and their associated questions, and so that the mathematics leader could provide feedback to classroom teachers
  • Creating Talk Move prompt cards (see below) which teachers used during mathematics lessons, and then using the cards with students as a way of encouraging more student-to-student talk

The ultimate goal of working with teachers to develop their practice with Talk Moves is so that students can engage in dialogue with each other using those dialogue moves. This is an ambitious goal to set for classroom teachers, but it is not unachievable. One of the mathematics leaders with whom I work has decided to create Talk Move cards (the final leadership action listed above).

These cards (downloaded from the link below) can be printed, cut out, and compiled, and then used by both teachers and students in mathematics classrooms. The mathematics leader intends to have their teachers use the cards as a prompt for their own teaching but also use the cards as a tool that encourages students to ask each other questions during mathematics lessons. There are plans for the mathematics leader to support teachers by encouraging them to focus on a specific Talk Move with their students for a set timeframe. Teachers will also be encouraged by the mathematics leader to set learning intentions and success criteria with students which are based on their students’ ability to engage in mathematics dialogue using the Talk Moves.

Talk move cards

Example of the Talk Move cards prepared for teacher and student use.

The mathematics leader also intends to ask teaching support staff members like the Classroom Support Assistants (CSAs) and Learning Support Officers (LSOs) to use the Talk Moves prompt cards. The reason for this is because the mathematics leader noticed that, in their work with supporting learning in classrooms, the CSAs and LSOs tend to support at-risk and vulnerable students by telling them what to say and what to think during mathematics lessons. That mathematics leader believes that the Talk Moves prompt cards would be helpful in moving the practices of the CSAs and LSOs from teaching focused on telling to teaching focused on questioning.

I would be keen to hear from primary school mathematics leaders who have focused their school-based professional learning leadership activity on the use of Talk Moves. The mathematics leaders with whom I work would appreciate hearing about your leadership actions so that they might enact similar activity that supports teacher professional learning in their schools.

The Talk Moves cards can be downloaded using the link below:

Talk moves prompt cards – Created by Matt Sexton


Chapin, S., O’Connor, C., & Anderson, N. (2009). Classroom discussions: Using math talk to help students learn, Grades K-6 (2nd ed.). Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2014). Principles to actions: Ensuring mathematical success for all. Reston, VA: NCTM

Stewart, R., & Makin, L. (2017). Mathematics learning walls: The third teacher in the classroom. Prime Number, 32(4), 16-18.

“Diffy towers”: Exploring subtraction as comparison

Diffy towers

I recently had an article published about one of my favourite maths tasks that explores “subtraction as comparison (difference)”. This was published in Prime Number, an excellent mathematics education teacher journal. If you are interested in subscribing to Prime Number, please contact the Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV) via email at 

I have attached a copy of my article, ‘Diffy Towers: Exploring subtraction as comparison’ to this blog post. In the article, I share content knowledge concerning the types of subtraction, how to play ‘Diffy towers’, as well as ways that the task can be modified to support differentiation, including the use of sentence frames to faciliate student talk when engaging with the task.

If you use Diffy Towers in your classroom, or if you are a mathematics leader and you use this with teachers in a professional learning opportunity, I would love to hear how you and your students (or teachers) engaged with the task. Like I said, it is one of my favourites, and I hope it becomes one of yours, too! A special thank you goes to the Prime Number Team at the MAV, especially James Russo, the Editor of Prime Number.

Twitter: @MattSextonACU

Email me:

Sexton (2019). Diffy towers. Prime Number, 34(3), 24-27.



Leading development of convincing practices in mathematics classrooms: Ideas for mathematics leaders’ professional learning activity

It is really pleasing to see a greater focus on the role of the Proficiencies in the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary classrooms. At our recent MTLC conference for Primary Mathematics Teachers at Australian Catholic University (Melbourne Campus), we had eight workshops that ran during the day that specifically focused on the proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving, and/or Reasoning. During that conference, I also presented a workshop on ways that teachers can highlight convincing in their mathematics lessons. In this post, I share some of my thoughts about this aspect of reasoning from a mathematics leadership perspective.

When it comes to teaching mathematics content, ideas, and knowledge, we need to ensure that the proficiencies, those important ways of thinking and working mathematically, are also taught in our classrooms. As mathematics leaders, it is important that we provide professional learning (PL) opportunities for our teachers that support their understanding of how to teach mathematical content along with the proficiencies for learning that content; both of these aspects of the curriculum are as important as each other. A way to start this focus on the proficiencies in your PL leadership activity could be through an exploration of convincing with your classroom teachers.

Defining and exploring convincing

Although not specifically mentioned in the Reasoning description within the Australian Curriculum documentation (ACARA, 2016), convincing is an important aspect of reasoning. It is a vital way of thinking and working mathematically. As mathematics leaders, our role is to influence the knowledge, practices, and dispositions of our classroom teachers through professional development. Exploring what convincing “looks like”, “sounds like”, and “feels like” in mathematics is one way of influencing the teaching of mathematics in classrooms. This exploring should lead to understanding, and a nice place to start is with a definition for convincing.

Through my reading, I have come to define convincing in mathematics as: a way to communicate mathematical reasoning (thinking) through discussions where evidence is used to persuade others’ reasoning and thinking, and thus supporting mathematics learning. Within this definition, it is assumed that our students take the lead in those discussions, which we can also call arguments. An argument in a learning situation is a form of discussion where all involved in that discussion seek to learn by engaging in practices such as explaining, elaborating, reasoning, and reflecting (Andriessen, 2006). I believe that these definitions for “convincing” and for “argument” are ones that work for teachers and students. I have actually shared these definitions with students in classrooms. They appeared to engage with the idea of a convincing argument really well (once, of course, we had clarified that a mathematical argument is a lot different to an argument outside of the classroom!)

Supporting convincing arguments by using the VLS framework

Within my definition of convincing, I mention the term “evidence”. Evidence is vital when we wish to persuade or convince others of our mathematical reasoning. It is important that as mathematics leaders we help our teachers to understand that evidence is important, and that they need to “keep a press” on students to create these evidence sources of reasoning.

One way that we can explore this need for evidence for convincing arguments is through visual, language, and symbolic representations of mathematical thinking. These three representations formed the basis of a framework which I developed from my work with leaders and teachers, and with my colleague, Leonie Anstey.

VLS framework

Figure 1. The Visual, Language, and Symbol (VLS) framework

This framework named the Visual, Language, and Symbol (VLS) framework (see to Figure 1) is influenced by the work of Fuson et al. (1997), Lesh, Post, and Behr (1987), and Mason, Burton, and Stacey (2010). The idea captured in this framework is that when engaging in substantive mathematical tasks, we create evidence of our mathematical reasoning using visual, language, and symbol representations. We then use that evidence to convince ourselves first (easiest convincing), then a friend, and then finally, a sceptic (most difficult convincing).  Through the convincing process, further understanding of mathematics is then co-created together with others through reasoning discussions or arguments. During those levels of convincing, our reasoning might be expanded, refined, and/or adjusted.

Exploring the VLS framework with teachers in professional learning opportunities

I believe that this framework has the potential to be used by mathematics leaders in their PL leadership activity with classroom teachers. For teachers to use an idea in their own classrooms, they need opportunities to explore that idea with their colleagues first. One of the characteristics of effective mathematics PL is that teachers undertake the role of the learner in the session, workshop, or meeting. This is a time when teachers can understand how mathematical knowledge is constructed, verified, and evaluated.

In terms of exploring the VLS framework, it is also a time when teachers can use the framework and see for themselves its use in supporting convincing practices. By using the framework in a PL opportunity, teachers can be better prepared for using it with their own students. Teachers are more likely to use the framework when they have had the appropriate amount of time to explore how it might be used with their colleagues first. For other teachers, they might need to observe you or their colleagues using the VLS framework during a mathematics lesson. For some of your other teachers, they might benefit from a co-teaching situation with you as their mathematics leader.

One of the important aspects of the VLS framework is that engagement in convincing arguments is best facilitated through the use of mathematical tasks where students can learn substantive mathematics. Richard Elmore, a well-known educationalist, has been known to share the phrase “task predicts performance”. This phrase, which is sound advice for any teacher of mathematics, means that if we only give students worksheets, “drill and practice” activities or lists of mathematics facts to memorise, then students are not encouraged to understand the need for mathematical arguments. They have diminished opportunities to learn how to reason in a mathematical way. The VLS framework works best when students have the opportunity to engage in challenging mathematical tasks where they can learn important mathematics content and important ways of thinking and working mathematically.

Ideas for professional learning about the VLS framework

In this next section, I offer some ideas to mathematics leaders for PL opportunities where teachers can explore the VLS framework. These are in no particular order and nor are they prescriptive. I offer them as a guide for those mathematics leaders who are keen to promote convincing practices in their schools. These ideas are best enacted in a PL workshop or meeting which is designed and facilitated by the mathematics leader.

It is also important that teachers have opportunities to take on the role of the mathematics learner and the mathematics teacher in your PL sessions. I offer too many ideas for the one PL opportunity, so there is the potential for you to explore these ideas over a number of sessions. I would be keen to hear from you if you take up, use, and expand upon any of these ideas in your own PL leadership activity.

  • Ask teachers to create convincing arguments for mathematical statements where they decide if the statement is “always true”, “sometimes true”, or “never true”. Ask the teachers to think about the statements, and then ask them to create evidence of their reasoning using visual, language, and symbol representations. Encourage your teachers to think and work by themselves first, and then work with a colleague to adjust or expand their convincing argument. Then they engage in a convincing argument where you and the other teachers play the sceptic, forcing your teachers to refine their mathematical arguments.
    • Examples of mathematical statements
      • The sum of two even numbers is an even number
      • Division leads to a smaller number
      • Multiplying a number by itself leads to a product which is larger
      • A square is a rectangle
  • Reflect on the responses to the mathematical statements and share the different representations that the teachers used to convince themselves and others. Engage teachers with questions where they decide which representations were more appropriate than others, how all three representations matched and aligned (or how they might become more aligned), which statements were the most challenging and why, and what are the accurate responses to those mathematical statements
  • Explore how the mathematical statements could be adjusted so that they are always true. Ask the teachers to create statements that they could use with their own students, where students need to engage in convincing practices using all three representations in attempts to convince themselves and others
  • Ask teachers to reflect on what convincing “looks like”, “sounds like”, and “feels like”. This is best done when teachers have engaged in mathematical tasks where they have used the VLS framework. Now that they know this about convincing, identify implications for their teaching and for student learning about convincing in mathematics lessons at your school
  • Share copies of the VLS framework, and ask teachers to discuss what ideas are conveyed in the framework, and how they enacted those ideas when creating their convincing arguments. Decide on ways of incorporating the VLS framework into teachers’ planning, teaching and assessment
  • Ask teachers to provide definitions for convincing in mathematics. Compare and contrast their definition with the one shared in this blog post. Discuss with teachers, “Why is it important that students seek to convince themselves, then a friend, and then finally a sceptic?” “Why is it important that we are now asking our students to respond to mathematical tasks using visual, language, and symbol representations?”
  • Explore with the teachers what they think students would do at each convincing level (convince yourself, convince a friend, and convince a sceptic). For example, what do we do when we attempt to convince ourselves? What specific actions do we undertake? What do we do when we convince our mathematical friend, and how is this different from convincing a sceptic? What specific actions do we undertake when convincing the sceptic? Discuss with teachers how they can support their own students to understand the levels of convincing and the actions required at each level (for most engagement with this task, it is best that teachers engage their students in the convincing levels and then debriefing afterwards with the students)
  • Focus on the Reasoning description in the Australian Curriculum, paying attention to the verbs. Ask teachers to reflect how students could enact the Reasoning proficiency through the use of the VLS framework. Identify which aspects of the Reasoning description are enacted when students engage in convincing practices. Encourage teachers to identify teacher actions that promote that proficiency enactment in their mathematics lessons
  • Brainstorm ideas of how to introduce and use the VLS framework in classrooms from Foundation to Year 6, with attention and focus on how students use the framework to support their own mathematics learning. Discuss ways of sharing and highlighting the VLS framework in classrooms (possibly through mathematics learning walls)
  • Use the VLS framework at each PL opportunity where you ask your teachers to engage in a mathematical task. Reflect on the task in relation to the evidence (the three representations of visual, language, and symbol) that they create. Discuss implications for mathematics teaching in the classroom, and ask teachers to set specific actions and enact them
  • Ask teachers to bring in evidence of their use of the VLS framework and share success stories of their own teaching and their students’ learning where the framework was used to support convincing practices in classrooms

These are only a few suggestions for mathematics leaders who are keen to establish a greater focus on convincing in mathematics lessons in their schools. If you are interested in accessing the article that I wrote for the May MTLC conference where I share further thoughts about the VLS framework, please feel free to email me. This article provides further background and advice on using the VLS framework and how it might be used in classrooms. Please email me at 

You can access the VLS poster which could be used in the classroom using the following link:

VLS framework poster

I will be presenting a workshop on the VLS framework at the MERGA Teachers’ Day on 29th June at Curtin University, Perth. If you are attending my workshop, I would love to hear from you.

If you are interested in attending any of our MTLC conferences at ACU (Melbourne Campus), please use the following link:



Andriessen, J. (2006). Arguing to learn. In K. Sawyer. (Ed). The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences. (pp. 443-459). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2016). The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. Canberra, Australia: ACARA.

Fuson, K., Wearne, D., Hiebert, J., Murray, H., Human, P., Olivier, A., Carpenter, T., & Fennema, E. (1997). Children’s conceptual structures for multidigit numbers and methods of multidigit addition and subtraction. Journal for Research in Mathematics, 28(2), 130-162.

Lesh, R., Post, T., & Behr, M. (1987). Representations and translations among representations in mathematics learning and problem-solving. In C. Janvier (Ed.), Problems of representation in the teaching and learning of mathematics (pp. 33–40). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Mason, J., Burton, L., & Stacey, K. (2010). Thinking mathematically (2nd ed.). Essex, England: Person.


5th National Conference for School Leaders in Primary Mathematics Education (26 July 2019, ACU, Melbourne Campus)

Maths leader conference 2019

In this post, I am pleased to announce that we have finalised our 2019 primary mathematics leadership conference program. I am quite excited about this year’s conference. We have a range of new topics that will be presented by some of my colleagues from ACU, Deakin University, Monash University, Melbourne University, RMIT, and my colleagues who work with mathematics education consultancies and who currently work in schools. All of our presenters work closely with or have worked with mathematics leaders and numeracy coordinators.

We are especially pleased to welcome Aylie Davidson as our keynote speaker. Aylie’s recently completed doctorate focused on teachers’ planning practices. Through her research, Aylie was able to develop a framework to support teachers’ planning practices.

Some of the other leadership topics that will be presented at our 2019 conference program are:

  • Maths Trails as a way of engaging students, teachers, and families in mathematics beyond the classroom (Andrea McDonough)
  • Leading the development of number fluency in your school (Mel O’Reilly)
  • Gifted and “high achieving” students in maths (Linda Parish)
  • Exploring the ‘summarise phase’ of the maths lesson (Ann Downton)
  • Making greater sense of the Australian Curriculum (James Russo)
  • Implementing whole school practices to support students dealing with dyscalculia (Claire McMahon)
  • Leading teachers to understand the importance of productive struggle (Doug Clarke)
  • Role of the critical friend in collaborative mathematics planning (Aylie Davidson)

These are only some of the presentations that we have in our conference program. There are many other workshops where you have the opportunity to explore issues and trends in primary mathematics education from the perspective of the primary school mathematics leader/numeracy coordinator.

Personal (shameless) plug: I am presenting a workshop on a way of creating a Mathematics Teaching and Learning Statement with staff in your school, and another workshop on creating a Mathematics Leadership Activity Plan to support your leadership of mathematics education in your school.

For further information (including access to the conference flyer) please use the link below. Information about how to register is also presented. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via Twitter or contact Michelle Fabris via email (

I would love to see you at our 5th National Conference for School Leaders in Primary Mathematics Education.


SUN Reflective Conversation: a conversation protocol for maths leadership

abstract beach bright clouds

I was first introduced to this conversation protocol a little over 10 years ago. Through the years, I have adapted it to make it more focused on mathematics teaching and learning. The SUN protocol can support you in facilitating reflective conversations as a form of teacher professional learning in mathematics. This SUN conversation is most effective as a “sense-making” activity after a shared professional learning experience like a demonstration lesson, a co-teaching episode, or a lesson observation.

SUN is an acronym for the main phases of the conversation. It is intended that you move through each phase in order when using this protocol. You use the guiding questions to move the conversation to a future-oriented space where your colleague might set with you a professional learning goal for themselves.

The phases and activities in each phase of the SUN reflective protocol are:

  • Summarising: allowing time for your colleague to identify, name, and recall an important aspect that occurred in the shared professional learning experience  
  • Unpacking: drawing out reasons behind particular teaching actions and responses during the maths teaching, and inviting self-evaluation using specific examples and evidence
  • New learning and direction setting: focusing on what was learned through the experience and setting goals for future development in mathematics teaching

The way you use this protocol is up to you, your leadership approach, and the context in which you are leading development in mathematics education in your school. You do not use all of the example questions in the one conversation. The idea of this protocol is that you, as the maths leader, listen intently to your colleague, shifting their focus to the future by setting a goal to develop their professional knowledge, practice, or disposition for mathematics teaching.

In my experience, it is best to use 15 to 20 minutes for this protocol. It is best when it is not rushed, and you have time to give the “gift of listening” to your colleague. I would use no more than two of these guiding question for each phase of the protocol. You will find that you ask further clarifying questions once you and your colleague start chatting.

The intention of this protocol is that it provides “reflective space” for your colleague to make sense of a shared professional learning experience. An important aspect of this protocol is that you are not judging your colleague in any way during the conversation.  For this reason, you need to be mindful of your body language and facial expressions. You also need to plan the best place to have this conversation. Sometimes asking your colleague where they would like to have the conversation is helpful.

Click on the link to access the SUN reflective conversation: SUN Reflection Conversation – Matt Sexton (leadmemaths)

This SUN reflective conversation protocol for maths leaders was adapted from work by Graham and Peavey (2008).

Positioning your “leadership position”: Directing your work using a mathematics leadership activity plan

person writing on white book

This post builds on my previous one about points of intervention. I wanted to share some advice about positioning and directing your leadership activity as a school maths leader using a mathematics leadership activity plan (MLAP)This post is motivated by recent work with two maths leaders who are leading maths innovation in their primary school in rural New South Wales.

I was fortunate to work with the maths leaders in their school, as well as work with the teachers in professional learning meetings. Towards the end of the two days at the school, I met with the maths leaders to plan ways forward for the rest of the school year. We talked about ways that the maths leaders could direct their work in leading professional learning for teachers.

Here is the MLAP that the two maths leaders created as a result of our leadership meeting discussion.

Mathematics Leadership Activity Plan - example

At the leadership meeting, we discussed possibilities for the leaders’ activity for the rest of the school year (Term 4, 2018). We finally agreed that, as a school, the teachers could focus on ways to engage students more in classroom talk where students had to convince others of their mathematical thinking. After further discussion, the maths leaders decided that a focus on developing teacher questioning techniques that promoted students’ convincing practices would be the direction of their leadership work.

Before we progressed with documenting the plan, the maths leaders and I read a section from Principles to Actions (NCTM, 2014). We focused on the section devoted to purposeful questioning. This opportunity for professional reading was important as it provided further information about the importance of teacher questions. It also confirmed for the maths leaders that a focus on questioning that promotes convincing in maths lessons was an important focus for their leadership activity.

The process for completing the MLAP template started with writing the success indicator. This indicator was written for the maths leaders but you will notice that it is situated in the work of the classroom teachers. The main question I posed to the maths leaders when developing this indicator was: What do the teachers do as a result of your leadership influence?

Once the maths leaders had decided on their success indicator, they both brainstormed possible leadership actions, deciding which ones were achievable for the school term. They then spent time developing a sequence for those actions, prioritising those that could be enacted almost immediately after our leadership meeting.

The rest of the MLAP was written by using the focus questions that are part of the plan template. The writing of the MLAP was a not linear process. The two maths leaders found it easier to plan their leadership actions first, and then as they identified resources that they might need, they recorded the names of those resources in that part of the plan. The final part of the MLAP that was completed concerned the evidence sources and ways of analysing the evidence that they would collect to assess the influence of their leadership activity.

The interesting aspect of this work with these maths leaders was hearing from them a few weeks after our meeting. In an email, the leaders told me about how their MLAP positioned their work with the principal and deputy principal with greater authority. By having a plan, the leaders said that they could talk about their leadership activity with a clearer direction, and they could then discuss what they needed in terms of support from the executive leadership team at their school. The leaders told me that both the principal and deputy principal supported the plan, and made changes to the schools’ meeting schedule to accommodate the maths leaders’ plan.

As we come to the end of another school year here in Australia, I imagine that many maths leaders are thinking about their work and making plans for 2019. I believe that a mathematics leadership activity plan (MLAP; see Leadership resources section for template) can act as a powerful tool in positioning and directing our mathematics leadership activity, just as it did with the two maths leaders who inspired this post.

If you are interested in the NCTM (2014) text, the Executive Summary can be downloaded here: Hard copies of the text, which is well worth the purchase, can be bought online.

What is your mathematics leadership purpose? Navigating the space with your “mathematics leadership compass”

person holding compass

I often encounter mathematics leaders who are seeking direction in their maths leadership. They often ask me, “What do I need to do as a maths leader?” Like the manner in which a compass helps direct the way, a question such as this one can bring focus to our leadership activity and help us navigate that space with greater purpose.

Questions about our maths leadership are important, and we need to spend time thinking about our purpose as maths leaders. Questions like these can help point us in the “right” direction. When I am asked questions about what maths leaders need to do, I often respond by asking another question. I tend to ask, “So, what do you see as the purpose of your mathematics leadership? What is your mathematics leadership compass?”

I often see a quizzical look on the maths leader’s face when they hear me ask about a “mathematics leadership compass”. I tend to tell the maths leader that I am asking about their leadership direction. This is not a question that can be answered quickly. It takes some serious reflection to identify the purpose and direction of our activity as maths leaders. Our leadership activity is multifaceted because as maths leaders we have to engage with aspects of our activity which are both leadership focused (for example, planning and leading professional learning) and managerial focused (like ordering mathematics teaching resources). For many maths leaders, they struggle to move beyond those managerial aspects of their leadership activity.

By now, you will have noticed that I refer a lot to “leadership activity”. This is linked to how I see the concept of leadership. In another section of this site (About LEaDME), I share my view of mathematics leadership. Essentially, I see maths leadership as activity that influences the mathematical knowledge, practices, and dispositions of all people engaged in a school community. This is no easy feat when you consider how vast mathematical knowledge and ways of thinking and working mathematically are, let alone thinking about all of the people involved in a primary school setting: the students, the parents and families, the classroom teachers and support staff, and of course, the school leadership team members like the principal, deputy principal and the other curriculum leaders. Just like a compass has points which help direct us as we try to navigate from one space to another, there are points in a school that can help direct our leadership activity. These are “points of intervention”.

Points of intervention 

A point of intervention is a place within an organised system where targeted activity can be enacted with the purpose of influencing that place and thus making a difference. In a school (an organised system), there are multiple “places” where targeted activity is enacted by particular people or groups of people for particular purposes. Student learning is the most important place in the system of the school. It is the primary reason why the school exists. We know from countless education research studies that the person who has the greatest influence on student learning in the school is the classroom teacher. Therefore, in any school, student learning is the point of intervention for the classroom teacher. This makes sense to us so we can carry this idea through to our maths leadership activity.

When I speak with many maths leaders, they passionately say that they are there for the students and they are there to improve the students’ mathematics learning. This is very admirable and I agree that maths leaders are there for the students. However, in many ways, it is unachievable to say that the maths leader can influence all students’ mathematics learning. It is an impossible task.

Teacher learning as the maths leader’s point of intervention

I would never discourage a maths leader from holding the purpose of improving student mathematics learning outcomes as it would be wrong of me to do so. I do, however, challenge maths leaders to seek a greater purpose (objective) which is focused on developing teacher learning. Just as the classroom teacher’s point of intervention is student learning, the maths leader’s point of intervention is teacher learning.

Your targeted mathematics leadership activity in your point of intervention (teacher learning) needs to influence and make a difference to teacher knowledge, teacher practices, and teacher dispositions for effective teaching and learning of mathematics in your school. By directing your leadership activity towards to your point of intervention which is teacher learning, your teachers should be able to use that professional learning to influence their own point of intervention which is student learning. In this sense, your maths leadership does influence student learning outcomes in mathematics but is through your point of intervention of teacher learning where you achieve this objective. Get to the point of your maths leadership activity by directing it in a way that influences and makes a difference to teacher learning, your point of intervention.

So, if you are thinking about the direction of your mathematics leadership, maybe you could think about your own mathematics leadership compass. Recognise that your point of intervention is teacher learning. It is through this point that you can find greater direction and focus for your leadership activity: influencing and making a difference to teacher knowledge, practices, and dispositions of and for effective mathematics teaching in your school.

The following questions might be helpful in identifying more aspects of your mathematics leadership compass, thinking about your point of intervention.  After reflecting on these questions and recording your responses, you might consider sharing them with your school principal or executive leadership team. Your responses might prove to be important conversation topics with your principal about ways that you could influence teacher learning in your school setting. By now, you would have worked out that your own mathematics leadership learning is the point of intervention for the principal at your school. Sharing your responses to the following questions might help your principal in her/his work in influencing and making a difference to your mathematics leadership knowledge, practices, and dispositions.

Reflective questions when thinking about your point of intervention of teacher learning

  • What leadership activity is required to support the development of your teachers’ mathematical content knowledge for effective maths teaching? What mathematics topics/concepts/ideas do your teachers need to know more about? What sources of information (data) might suggest this as a need?
  • What do your teachers need from you to deepen their pedagogical content knowledge (knowledge of teaching and assessment practices, ways that students learn mathematics, and knowledge of the maths curriculum) so that they can plan for, teach, and assess mathematics learning for all students? What sources of information (data) might suggest this as a need?
  • How do your teachers view mathematics? What are their beliefs and mindsets about maths? What relationship do they have with maths? How might their feelings and beliefs influence the “type” of maths that they might be teaching in their classroom?
  • What are the opportunities to develop teacher learning in mathematics education at your school? What structures are at the school that enhance teacher learning? What structures hinder teacher learning? What are possible ideas for transforming those hindrances to opportunities?
  • What resources do you need to lead teacher learning in mathematics? How might you access these resources?
  • What do you need to learn for yourself about how teachers learn to teach mathematics? Who or what might support you in this area? Which other staff members might support you in leading teacher learning in mathematics education?
  • How comfortable are you in leading teacher learning in mathematics? What support do you need in becoming more comfortable and more proficient in leading teacher learning in mathematics education?

Your own mathematics leadership compass will be as individual as you, and it will be different from that of another maths leader. We know this because school contexts and environments in which we work influence what we can and cannot do with our leadership activity within our point of intervention of teacher learning. Your mathematics leadership compass will also be influenced by your years of experience as a maths leader, and by your own personal knowledge of mathematics content and the pedagogies we use to teach mathematics effectively. It will also be influenced by what you know about the ways that teachers learn how to teach mathematics effectively.

Whatever your leadership activity, it should have a clear purpose on influencing teacher learning, as it is this objective that helps navigate and direct our activity as maths leaders…and it can make mathematics education in your school more effective.

So, what is your mathematics leadership compass?

I would love to hear from you about your thoughts.


Welcome to LEaDME

brown and black welcome bulletin board

Photo by on

This is my first post on my blog.

Welcome to my blog about the leadership of mathematics in primary school settings.

I hope that this blog is a space that explores and celebrates that leadership of mathematics in primary schools. This is the topic of my current PhD study.

I have been fortunate to work with some amazing School Mathematics Leaders who were kind to let me learn from them during the time of my doctorate study. These leaders do extraordinary work with their classroom teachers when it comes to supporting them in professional learning. It is those leaders who have inspired me to create this web space.

The name, LEaDMe (which is the acronym for Leading Educators and Development in Mathematics Education), was chosen because I wanted a name that captured my interest in mathematics education: the leadership of mathematics education in schools where the focus is on leading educators (classroom teachers, families, communities) and development (improving and extending mathematical knowledge, practices, and dispositions) in mathematics education (teaching and learning).

I look forward to this space being one where School Mathematics Leaders, numeracy coordinators, mathematics coaches, and any other people who work with developing mathematics teaching and learning practices in primary schools, could find stories, inspiration, affirmation, resources, and other tools that might support them in their mathematics leadership work.

I look forward to sharing this space with you.
